Lana, Rosie and I were so busy, thank you God, the last three months of 2017 traveling to concert dates that I decided to take January and February off to rest, regroup, and clean house. Of course, we had to decorate for Christmas, have a Christmas party with our neighbors, then undecorate the trees. Yes, I love the whole holiday season but do not forget the real reason, to honor our Savior’s birth.
I even did a New Year’s Watch Night concert. Unfortunately it was bitterly cold outside in Alabama and Rosie had to stay in the church with Lana at the soundboard (in her crate) as part of the church was unheated. The pastor forgot she was inside and stepped up to say something to Lana and Rosie growled and barked and the poor man was scared to death. (She protects her mama). He laughed about it after he got his breath back. I think we lasted until 9:30 pm before everyone gave up and went home.
During this time off, I contemplated quitting singing. With Lana’s health not getting any better (spine, knees, and lungs) and travel hard on her and needing another van, we prayed, we talked to pastors and friends, and finally decided to continue. It really sank in that God wasn’t finished with me when some churches and promoters started calling for concert dates and concert attendees calling to tell me how I had touched them and gave them encouragement. I’m not a preacher but sometimes Lana says that I get on my soapbox and almost give a message. I just say what I am led to say at that particular time. We have done some local dates but will start out travelling in March to east TN, AL, GA, KY, and OH.
There are still lots of dates to fill so please let me know if you need a Rick Alan King concert in your area. You will get some humor, stories, and music for the heart from the heart appropriate for any size venue.
P.S. The first day of spring Lana and I will be celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary.